How to build a Glide app?

If you’re looking to create a Glide-free app, there are only four steps:

  1. Organize your data in a spreadsheet
  2. Customize the app design
  3. Configure app functionality
  4. Promote and share with others

Organize your data in a spreadsheet

There are two common cases: either you have an existing sheet, or you do not have one.
If you have such a sheet (Google Sheets, Excel, or AirTable ), make sure it is arranged to suit the app’s construction.

The sheet should be arranged as follows:

*** the First row will be titled; all other rows will be items ***

For example:

First row: Name | Role | Phone
Second Row: Anonymous | Manager | 053000000
Third Row: Someone | Waiter | 052000000

Once you have arranged the sheet, you can create a new application in Glide and select your sheet.

2. Customize the app design

I prefer first to build the pages and elements I want to use, including names.
In this way, I first build the process my user will go through in the app (the user can also be just me in a personal app).
I will introduce the functionality that will make my design become the system I want it to be.

Set the app functionality

4. At this point, I highly recommend sitting down with a writing page and writing down what I want to happen when a particular button is pressed and what is important to me to have for it to work the way I want. Then I can do one of two, or I already know how to do the action I want, or I’m looking for a guide on doing what I want.

A guide can be found in several ways, and I will expand on them in another post.

A. Find a guide in another post on my site (:
B. Look for a post on Facebook or in the Glide community with the issue you are facing.
C. Publish a post with the question “How can I …” in one of the communities in the previous section
D. Consult an expert, and I offer up to 30 minutes of free consultation.


4. Promote and share with others

All that is left is to advertise your app to the relevant users.
Glide apps are online so sharing them with others is easy.
You can paste the link into your social network channels, website, WhatsApp, etc.


In conclusion, building applications in Glide is a relatively simple process to perform. There is no need for programmer knowledge or complex functions; try until you succeed.

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Nice to meet you, I'm Gideon And I'm here to build you a customized management system for your business.

