Anispot has been providing delivery services, collection services and legal mail since 2008 to the business and private audience. Specializes in locating recipients and signing for court purposes. The company’s goals are to shorten execution times typical in legal deliveries and delivery services. The project’s purpose was to connect customers and couriers directly so that the company’s management would deal with management rather than receiving requests and sending them to employees.
This app had a significant challenge in producing three types of users who see the app entirely differently, and there is no conflict between them. Customer Party – A customer can produce a mission, including location, on-site contact, place photo, relevant days for collection, and desired hours. In addition, he can get into his misery and view the statistics of his missions and see the status of an assignment. Whether it was done or not, and if not, why. Courier party – can see collections created by several different customers and arrange the working day according to the area where he performs the collections. Also, see a history of collections made by him. Manager side – can see all past and future collections, statistics, collection map, and history of each client individually and thus determine the billing amount. For the service they rendered.