Who founded Glide and why?

David Siegel, CEO, and co-founder of Glide worked with founders Jason Smith, Mark Provest, and Antonio Garcia Afria at Xamarin, a cross-platform mobile development company acquired by Microsoft for $ 500 million in 2016. There, they witnessed it. First of all, the difficulty that companies have in building mobile applications. When their two-year work at Microsoft was over, the four founders decided to build a start-up to solve the problem.

* The company was founded in 2018, and its offices are located in San Francisco, USA.

Many of the largest companies in the world have their internal mobile apps used only by their employees.

Glide‘s vision is to give the power of creating internal apps to any business, from small to large.

However, small companies do not always have the budget to build an app for every need, so internal organizational applications (systems) are usually made from spreadsheets (Google Sheets, AirTable, and Excel are the best sellers).

Spreadsheets are the most successful programming tool of all time. People have used spreadsheets for more than 40 years to explore new ideas, build businesses, and organize their lives.

The success of spreadsheets stems from their superb balance between simplicity, flexibility, and power; They are simple enough for anyone to learn the basics in minutes, flexible enough to adapt to new problems, and powerful enough to solve complex problems.

Glide‘s goal is to turn the creation of management software into a similar process of creating spreadsheets.

It will be easy enough for anyone to create software to research an idea or solve a problem in minutes. At the same time, using the software should not feel like using spreadsheets – it should be fast, familiar, impossible to break, and beautiful.


What do you think? Were they successful?



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Nice to meet you, I'm Gideon And I'm here to build you a customized management system for your business.

